Ethical Action Brochure
Small Ethical Societies often are stretched thin regarding volunteer manpower. Although this strain is due in part ecause of their size, there is another reason. It is this: those who are drawn to Ethical Societies are often people already very engaged in the world, committed to making a difference, and, as a result, quite busy!
July Ethical Inspiration
by Leader Hugh Taft-Morales The theme of my May 1 platform on “Leadership” was that we all have the potential – in our own unique way – to be leaders. I then asked, “How does a community where everyone is a leader keep chaos at bay?” I mean if a parade was made up of nothing more than drum majors, wouldn’t […]
Support the EPA and End Mountaintop Coal Mining
On January 13 of this year, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) denied a Clean Water Act permit for the largest-ever proposed mountaintop removal coalmine in Appalachia. Although the U. S. Corps of Engineers had already approved the permit for Spruce Mine in Logan County, WV, the EPA acted in time to protect our environment.
May Ethical Inspiration
I was away from the Baltimore Ethical Society April 15-17 involved in my final year as Director of the Washington Ethical Society Coming-of-Age program. That weekend, in the mountains northwest of Frederick, Maryland, I was challenged and inspired. On this occasion, the challenge came from nature. While nine teenagers for whom I was responsible spent a solo night alone scattered over a […]
Hairnets, Aprons, and Rubber Gloves: Suiting up at Moveable Feast
When the five BES members arrived at Moveable Treats on April 14, we were greeted by Tom Patrick, the amiable Volunteer Coordinator. He offered an engaging overview of this remarkable organization. Although BES has been providing desserts for Moveable Treats for years, some of our members don’t know a whole lot about it.
April Ethical Inspiration
As I was standing in a prayer circle with about 25 other members of the clergy, I wondered how well I would do swimming in these theistic seas. I was called to Ethical Culture Leadership as a second career despite my skepticism about traditional religions. I was drawn by both the aching need in the world all around us, and a yearning […]
April Ethical Action Spotlight
Spring is here, and so is a great opportunity for BES members to support an innovative new movement with the potential to transform Baltimore: Urban Farming. When we arrived at Real Food Farms in Clifton Park the sun was bright and the wind brisk. The scent of damp earth filled the air. Lisa Alderson, my wife […]
The War on Drugs — Unintended Consequences
Major Neill Franklin, Executive Director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, delivered a platform address titled “The War on Drugs — Unintended Consequences” on April 3, 2011. Continue to read a description of his talk and to listen to a podcast.
March Ethical Inspiration
Recently I have drawn ethical inspiration from the dedication and joy of advocating for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals here in Maryland. Galvanized by two bills being considered by the Maryland legislature – one on marriage equality and the other on sexual orientation non-discrimination – activists and average citizens are […]
In Defense of Death with Dignity
I did not think about my death very much until my mother unexpectedly died when I was fifteen. It was a tremendous shock and brought a painful awareness of the reality of life.