Tell Us About Yourself
As new members are welcomed, we are adding their profile information, but we want to give our existing members a way to submit their profiles to be added to the section… so click here to tell us about yourself.
Upcoming Events
“Legislative Agenda and Ethical Values in Annapolis” (hybrid)
In the rough and tumble world of state politics, it can be difficult to keep your moral compass straight and true.
“Gratitude in the Darkness of Winter” (zoom)
In these dark days of winter, we gather on Zoom to celebrate gratitude in community.
“AEU All Society Platform”
Bring out the light from within by bringing out the best of others and thus ourselves.
Annual Weird News Quiz!
Join Hugh Taft-Morales on Zoom for an end-of-the-year “weird news” quiz created by Philadelphia Ethical Society member Leigh Buchanan.
Poetry Salon (zoom)
Join us on the first Sunday of each month to read and share your favorite poems.
Mindfulness Meditation (zoom)
Join us as we sit (on chairs) and breathe (just the way it comes naturally) and listen to the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the world’s best-known teachers of mindfulness.