We invite you to attend our events. All In-person events take place at the Village Learning Place unless otherwise noted.
“Evolution Revolution” (zoom)
The theory of evolution fundamentally changed western paradigms about the universe.
“The Vast Dechurching and the Paradox of Christian Decline” (zoom)
The rapid secularization in Europe has reached our shores in America, and people are leaving organized religion in droves.
“Ethical Immigration Policy” (zoom)
The U. S. immigration system needs fundamental repair, but not in manner chosen by the new administration.
“Coretta Scott King: Activist, not Symbol” (zoom)
Hugh Taft-Morales explores how this remarkable person overcame the intersectional oppression experienced by women in leadership positions.
Annual Weird News Quiz!
Join Hugh Taft-Morales on Zoom for an end-of-the-year “weird news” quiz created by Philadelphia Ethical Society member Leigh Buchanan.
“AEU All Society Platform”
Bring out the light from within by bringing out the best of others and thus ourselves.
“Gratitude in the Darkness of Winter” (zoom)
In these dark days of winter, we gather on Zoom to celebrate gratitude in community.
“Legislative Agenda and Ethical Values in Annapolis” (hybrid)
In the rough and tumble world of state politics, it can be difficult to keep your moral compass straight and true.
“Fiction: Lies that Tell Truth” (zoom)
Hugh Taft-Morales celebrates fiction as a door to the imagination.