Tree of Knowledge Program

Join Margaret Downey and Hugh Taft-Morales for their annual Tree of Knowledge program.  This year we’re hosting Phill Zuckerman, author of What It Means to be Moral, The Nonreligious, Living the Secular Life, and other works. Zuckerman is also the Executive Director of Humanist Global Charity. You’ll also be treated to a musical performance by performer Gary Stockdale, a two-time Emmy-nominated composer, song-writer and singer.

If you would like your favorite humanist book hung on the Tree of Knowledge, please send a front cover high resolution scan of your favorite book to by December 1! You’ll have a chance to tell us who you are, why you like the book, and what you learned from it. Join our event at this Zoom or call in at 929-205-6099 (Meeting ID: 849 4108 9132).

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