“The Good Will Revolution: Leave the Rat Race to the Rats”
Our rat race culture pits people against each other in a competition to get as much money, materials, and power as possible. Greed, selfishness and ruthlessness are assets, and kindness and sincerity are liabilities. Winners are highly respected and everyone else is a loser. Surprisingly, rat race culture is not compulsory. The alternative is the Goodwill Revolution which encompasses a set of principles that mobilizes the inherent goodness of mankind as the key to true happiness. Kindness, compassion, and honesty become valuable assets, while selfishness becomes a liability. The book is a blueprint for transforming American ghettos through revolutionary cultural change to improve education, employment, crime and reclaim political power using bottom-up solutions.
Michael Irving Phillips is the author of ‘Leave the Rat Race to the Rats’ and “Boycott Money and Save Your Soul – Launching The Goodwill Revolution,” He is the Co-host of WEAA’s ‘Carribian Exchange.’ He received an MA degree in Education from Howard University, and is also the author of several poetry books.