Killing Rage Book Discussion
Hugh Taft-Morales and Argentine Craig host two discussions of a book by bell hooks that energized a generation of activists: Killing Rage: Ending Racism. (19 93) At 3:00pm on Sundays, February 27 and March 27, participants will focus on eight sections of the book as outlined below. Feel free to read the entire book of course – it may inform your understanding of the sections we’ll focus on listed below.
February 27 we’ll discuss:
- Introduction (pp. 1-8)
- Beyond Black Rage: Ending Racism (pp. 21-31)
- Revolutionary Feminism: An Anti-Racist Agenda (pp. 98-108)
- Overcoming White Supremacy: A Comment. (pp. 184-196)
March 27 we’ll discuss:
- Beyond Black Only: Bonding Beyond Race (pp. 196-204)
- Keeping a Legacy of Shared Struggle (pp. 204-215)
- Where is the Love: Political Bonding Between Black and White Women (pp. 215-226)
- Beloved Community: A World Without Racism. (pp. 263-273)