“Justice Begins with ‘Just Us’”
The close bond between a mentor and mentee can be difficult to express in words. It is comprised of countless moments, large and small, all with the potential to be life changing (for the adult and the child). Each year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake works to provide at least 1,000 Maryland children with their own “moments” by matching them with a caring adult mentor. Mentoring not only helps youth reach their full potential, it also engages volunteers in the effort to create stronger, healthier, and more vibrant communities.
Leon Henry is a life-long resident of Baltimore City, and serves as the Director of Outreach for Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Greater Chesapeake, where he is responsible for finding mentors for the region’s most vulnerable youth.
He is the former Executive Director of the Maryland Regional Practitioners Network for Fathers and Families (MRPNFF) and former Director of the Maryland Children’s Action Network (MD CAN). Mr. Henry brings over 25 years direct service and management experience in issue affecting urban residents and low-income families. Leon has expertise in such diverse areas as juvenile justice, child advocacy, special education, early childhood education, community organizing and non-profit management. In 1998 he was appointed by Governor Glendening to the Citizen’s Review Board for Children and in 2001 was appointed to the Governor’s Commission on Responsible Fatherhood. He is a member of the Greater Baltimore Committee and serves on the Education and Workforce subcommittee.
Mr. Henry has written numerous articles and appeared on several public radio programs on issues ranging from child safety, urban poverty and family dynamics. He is a father, uncle and has been a mentor for nearly 30 years.
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