“Humanism in Deed”
Ethical Culture, and much of humanism in general, promotes living a life of ethical action. Leader Hugh Taft-Morales promotes activism through Ethical Humanism because: it is reasonable; it promotes values that resonate; it offers inspirational experiences; it connects with other people and groups; and, most importantly, it emphasizes deed before creed. With eyes wide open, Hugh urges humanists to confront the stark realities of a brutal world with courageous commitment. In the words of the founder of Ethical Culture, Felix Adler: “In the deed is the pledge of the sacredness of life; in the deed is the reward of our activities in health; in the deed our solace, and our salvation even in the abysmal gulfs of woe.”
Hugh Taft-Morales joined the Baltimore Ethical Society as its professional leader in 2010, the same year he was certified by the American Ethical Union as an Ethical Culture Leader. He also serves as Leader of the Ethical Humanist Society of Philadelphia. His presence in Ethical Culture has been termed “invigorating.” Taft-Morales lives in Takoma Park, Maryland, with his wife Maureen, a Latin American Analyst with the Congressional Research Service, with whom he has three beloved children, Sean, Maya, and Justin.
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