Hottentot Venus Book Discussion

Join Hugh Taft-Morales and members of BES for a discussion of his October fiction book by a woman author: Barbara Chase-Riboud’s Hottentot Venus.  It’s a story of a resilient woman who is burdened by overlapping prejudices that follow her from her home to South Africa to a Europe that exoticizes and exploits her. As the Washington Post put it, Chase-Riboud “conjures the pain of some of the most sensitive and hurtful relations between the powerful and the powerless whatever their color, whatever their gender. ,… In this chilling and mournful novel, Chase-Riboud brings back to life a woman whose existence as a symbol has obscured her essence.” For book discussions, Zoom here:

If you miss the Oct. 30 discussion, feel free to join in the same discussion at the same Zoom open to all Ethical Culturists on Tuesday, November 2 at 5:30PM.

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