“Get Money Out of Maryland Politics!”
GMOM (Get Money Out – Maryland) was founded in 2012 to promote reforms that minimize the influence of money, and strengthen the power of citizens, in the political process, in the U.S. and in Maryland. Citizens United v. FEC is the 2010 Supreme Court decision which ruled that corporations cannot be limited in the amount they spend on elections because they enjoy the same First Amendment rights as living people. GMOM seeks an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to establish that constitutional rights apply only to natural persons. Charlie Cooper will report on GMOM’s campaign to get the Maryland Legislature to pass a joint resolution formally calling for a Constitutional Convention. If you were inspired by Jennifer Bevan-Dangel’s platform address in September on restoring ethics to our democracy (video), then please come to this talk.
Charlie Cooper is a social justice activist in Baltimore. He is active in organizations that work on public education, child protection, climate change, and the economy. He served as Chairperson of the Maryland Education Coalition. Currently he devotes most of his time to GMOM, where he serves as President of the Board of Directors and chairs the Policy Committee. Read more at www.getmoneyoutmd.org.