“Climate Crisis ‘StoryCorps’”
Earth Stories, a Colloquy project launched by the BES Green Team, presentsThe BES Climate ‘StoryCorps’. Members who have participated in the Earth Story Colloquy events, in the months leading up to the platform, will have a chance to share their very own story around the Climate Crisis. The hope is to have at least 7 to 10 people, each sharing roughly 3 minutes, and then available for questions/comments at the platform’s completion. The questions and comments can be directed at a participant to have them expand on what they shared or to talk about the experience of finding their own personal Climate story and developing it for sharing. The ethical action packed theme here is personal stories as a more accessible way to bring people into the conversation (around the Climate Crisis), versus pushing an audience away with cold, hard facts.
Cathy Eskey is a member of the Baltimore Ethical Society who presents this platform as a part of our “Summer Sundays” when we invite our members to present on topics of interest to them.