- Ethics is Central
The most central human issue in our lives is creating a more humane environment. - Ethics Begins with Choice
Creating a more humane environment begins by affirming the need to make significant choices in our lives. - We Choose to Treat Each Other as Ends, not Means
To enable us to be whole in a fragmented world, we choose to treat each other as unique individuals having intrinsic worth. - We Seek to Act with Integrity
Treating one another as ends requires that we learn to act with integrity. This includes keeping commitments, and being honest, open, caring and responsive. - We are Committed to Educate Ourselves
Personal progress is possible, both in wisdom and social life. Learning how to build ethical relationships and cultivate a humane community is a life-long endeavor. - Self Reflection and Our Social Nature Require Us to Shape a More Humane World
Growth of the human spirit is rooted in self-reflection, but can only come to full flower in community. This is because people are social, needing both primary relationships and larger supportive groups to become fully human. Our social nature requires that we reach beyond ourselves to decrease suffering and increase creativity in the world. - Democratic Process is Essential to Our Task
The democratic process is essential to a humane social order because respect for the worth of persons requires democratic process which elicits and allows a greater expression of human capacities. - Life Itself Inspires Religious Response
Although awareness of impending death intensifies the human quest, the mystery of life itself, and the need to belong, are the primary factors motivating human religious response.